Building Your New Leadership Lifestyle

Vardges Begoyan
5 min readJul 7, 2020

Imagine a world where individual success leads to a collective journey of being thoughtful about the well-being, happiness, and prosperity of all.
Isn’t that mindset powerful ?
Building Your New Leadership Lifestyle

Managing people is a combination of a long list of characteristics, some are more essential, some not. Sharing the most essential ones: caring for, being interested in, maintaining responsibility for colleagues as friends, providing support, avoiding blame, forgiving mistakes, inspiring one another at work, emphasizing the meaningfulness of the work, treating one another with respect, gratitude, trust, integrity.
These are the fundamental parts of “The Business Caring Formula”, which Emma Arakelyan developed independently throughout her career.

Thank you Emma for such a guide and helpful information!
The book made me feel so inspired!

To build a new style of leadership, be in work or generally in life, is a really important part with no specification. Doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or experienced or even an architect of whatever you do. There are key factors which would make you work harder and go farther with a great motivation even in case of troubles you faced. The most essential factors of motivation during life are having a passion to be happy, dreaming big to set goals, failing to learn and leading to success. Those exist in us from childhood to elderly with the same meaning but different content.

Set your passion and happiness, then break the rules
No matter what you do in this world, how you earn, but if you miss the happiness part of the formula, chances to survive are almost zero, meaning is negative, value is empty.
Happiness is usually knowing what you want and being passionate about it. Finding passion needed to drive your success and happiness requires willingness and courage. Once you have defined your passion, then defining what being successful means to you will be easier. Start with your plans, exceptions and even no rules — success starts with a state of mind and an action plan. There are no exact rules in life, one has a lot of those, one none. Don’t think you should build everything based on rules — create yours. Rules exist to have exceptions, so let’s think about if we can have an exception for progress.
When you have a passion, feel happy and rules are set, go ahead and set your goals, make your dream come true.

Dream big and set your goals
A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind. Dreams are considered part of the experience of the world that can be interpreted and from which lessons can be garnered. To dream, this is the way you should go and the way to explore your happiness. So, your dream should be big enough to sound crazy. When you set your goal, set your dream, draw your path, find your passion and start to live your life with that motivation. Do not wait, do not think it will find you. If you don’t search for it, you won’t find it, you won’t care. When you don’t care, everything will be stagnant and remain the status quo.
If you are passionate and happy dreamer who set the rules and made the goals, it’s time to move forward, it’s time to fail and learn, it’s time to lead and succeed.

Lead to fail and learn to lead the success
People expect leadership that they can rely on to guide them to successful end results. Your ability to influence an individual’s thinking will depend on how effectively you listen to that person’s point of view. By helping people get on the right track, you are helping them to create a more meaningful life path, to contribute more. Learn as much as you can and don’t try to choose good ones only, as everything you learn will be useful someday. Nothing is a waste of time. Good leads attract candidates, drive performance, engagement and retention, and play a key role in maximizing employees’ contribution.
Do not be afraid of failures, do not neglect those, as you learn from those, as you become more experienced. Failure is a state of mind that feeds into your fears, preventing you from taking action. Failure is easy. You have to fail so you can define your plan for success. Start whatever you can and not whatever you like. Try things that you might not like and add them to your experience portfolio. You don’t have to LIKE it, you need to KNOW it.

Life is too short, it is full of happiness and sadness, full of big and at the same time with meaningless goals, with respectful and disrespectful rules, with lots of strong and weak or even stupid leaders all over the world. This is life, this is what we have now. Don’t try to invent a bicycle, you can learn, you can use the experience of others by breaking the rules, by setting your own goals and making you feel satisfied.
He who is not satisfied with a little is satisfied with nothing.

  • Stick your values and be genuine in your actions.
  • Be kind to the team and always remember — it is not about being right, it’s about doing a right thing.
  • Think of the qualities that are needed to make the most flavorful and perfectly textured cake.
  • Think about caring, happiness, support and responsibility. Create and help your team to grow with all the spice and colors.
  • Enjoy the results of great teamwork, happy team dreams, people respect and the most powerful thing — the friendship.
    When you are there, enjoy the cake !!!

Just think about the great outcome…

  • Ask yourself and team, what’s your damn passion ?
  • What makes you happy ?
  • Are you setting your caring formula ?

While the next one is coming, waiting for your opinion and comments.
Thanks for reading!



Vardges Begoyan

Sr. Engineering Manager at PicsArt, Associate professor at Polytechnic